Monday, May 20, 2013

Escape From Planet Earth (2013) spoiler

Gary 'tat tit tut'
This is the greatest modern version of alien movie. It contains of so much joy that can make you laugh all day! It's about Gary Supernova a blue thin alien who works as Mission Controller at BASA and his little brother, Scorch, who actually big working as a hero face for rescuing mission.
Scorch is the hero of the planet Baab and he's the star. Everybody love him, Gary just the background artist. Even his son, Kipper, wants to be like Scorch who can save the planet.
One day Lena, their boss, wants Scorch to go to the dark planet (actually it's earth). Of course Gary opposed this because he knows that no one intelligent creatures ever come back alive from the dark planet. However Scorch never listen to him and set the flight to the dark planet. It makes Gary angry because Scorch says he is a nerd and what he doing is just 'tat tit tut tut' *typing on keyboard*. In front of Lena and Scorch, Gary resigns, but Scorch thinks he is fired (which is still be the most hot debate topic between them along the plot).
Scorch arrival at the earth is being lively documented as the news along the planet and Kipper is so excited watching that news on TV. Scorch ahead to 7eleven place at area 51 and being kidnapped by area 51 guys. The camera that shoots him dies and it makes all the people worry.
Blubonium and Shanker
Gary stuck
Kipper sneaks to the office to help his uncle because he has promised him. Knowing his son's gone, Gary and his wife flies to BASA and replace Kipper to fly to Dark Planet. His jet get stuck and destruct itself and Gary thrown away. Afraid, Gary go to 7eleven where his brother lastly seen. There are 2 employees those shocked by Gary blue appearence but the two play nice to him by giving blue soda. Because Gary drank it too much he gets shock and blrrr when the area 51 soldiers. He faints and wakes up in the interrogation room where he watches Earth Introduction short movie. By the brain analysis machine he's detected as a genius creature (until the machine get broke -___-). Shanker, the leader meets him and offer to cooperate if he wants to see Scorch. But Gary refuse and he's sent to the jail. Minute later Shanker got call by video calling and pop out Lena who ask about the Blubonium she put on Scorch suit quietly. There reveals that Lena is sabotage Scorch mission to connect with Shanker, his online dating (again, funny) but Shanker only uses her to take the world and Lena promises to send a jet full of Blubonium (something that can help Shanker rules the world).
Shanker and matchmaker
Gary jail-mate is Thurman, something like 3 eyed snail, working as profesor. Then he meets the genius jaberwocky rat Doc who invented space radio networking and Io the girl monster who likes to outburst her anger. Doc claimed that he and the team has build the technology and Shanker uses it to sell it on Apple, Facebook, and Google Guys (I gigged all the way). Finally Gary meets Scorch and they make a plan.
On the other planet, Kipper and Kira help each other to run away from Lena. Kira flies by sneak in to Lena's jet that full of blubonium and Kipper stays on the locked mission control room.
Aliens angry to Gary
Scorch frozen
Meanwhile, Gary and Scorch failed to sneak out, making the cafeteria all messed up. All aliens sent to the piece shield where they have to work on machine that can make piece (in fact that can blow up a planet). Shanker gets in and try the piece shield by putting the blubonium. He shoot an asteroid, Gary worries and Scorch jumps and breaks the machine. It's broken now. Shanker gets angry and freeze Scorch in the tube. Gary is able to see him if he can repair the machine. He accepts that.
Gary tries to fix blubonium
He goes to the room with other aliens and repairs the blubonium. After he finished, Gary goes to Shanker room to tell him that it's done. Then Shanker talks about his past why he became like that---> Shanker's father got hit by aliens plane until death so he wants to take revenge. Video call is active, Lena is shows up and makes Gary shocked. Shanker reveals that Lena is his online dating. Gary tells her that Shanker just uses her but Lena doesn't listen. Then Shanker freeze Gary to the tube beside Scorch.
Shanker tries the fixed blubonium and activate the piece shield again. But it blows up and explode, it reveals that Gary sabotage the blubonium. The room gets broken and all aliens tube is explode. After Gary's out he helps Scorch who gets trouble with his leg. There is a monster that will eat them but Io comes and rescues them. The aliens (Gary, Scorch, Thurman, Doc, and Io) try to escape by fighting the soldiers. Then they shoot the freeze gun and get free from area 51 barrack.
They run to the citizen place and watch Scorch getting confuse of where his spacecraft is. Then Gary meets the guys from 7eleven. They help him by shouting 'TORNADO' since it's dessert area everybody afraid of tornado they locked all the house. It makes clear for Scorch to find the spacecraft. The aliens run to the spacecraft and Gary says thanks.
"Aren't you going to abduct us?"
"Eh, we don't really do that!" says Gary.
Gary drive the spacecraft and they flies living the ground while the 7eleven guys waving hand. But the aliens plane gets shoot from the Shanker boys behind. They all panic since the rocks are infront of them and the steering-wheel is broken. Then they connected to the Mission Control room where Kipper stand by. Kipper follows his dad protocol and drives the plane safely. But Shanker is flying by the Scorch jet suit behind the spacecraft. No words, Gary fights him alone and tries to break the suit. He did it but he and Shanker falls down. Fortunately 3 aliens (that hit Shanker's father) help them.
Gary, family, friends
Gary returns to the spacecraft knowing that Shanker will be crazy all the time. Then he meets Kira his wife who drives Lena's jet after fought Lena. They gets back to planet Baab where Scorch is shouts as the hero but he points Gary as the hero. Gary just low-profiled and waves hand. Kipper comes and hugs him, telling that he wants to be like his dad rather than his uncle.
The film ends with Scorch getting married with news reporter in a cozy place while Gary becoming the groom man.
Scorch's getting married *_*

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Jack Reacher (2012) Movie Spoiler

I'm the one who watch a movie just because of the actors and actress. Well, I'm not that into action movie, but Tom Cruise never fail to change me. I'm in love with his action and movies and Jack Reacher is the best action movie in late 2012.
The poster shows a man, injured and holding a gun, standing in front of a car. Text at the bottom reveals the tagline and in bottom reveals the film's main actor and title, credits, rating and release date.
Opening act
Barr asks for Jack Reacher
This film gives a good impression of entire plot since it opens with shooting action by some man who pay for parking and shoots 5 'random people'. Then the scene change to cops who investigate that incident and Emerson (David Oyelowo) a chief detective finds the fingerprint he found at coins in parking-payment-box is a finger of person named James Barr, a prisoner. Then Emerson meets James Barr and interrogate him about the killing accident, asks him to just sign the letter to confess. But, instead of signing the letter Barr writes a name in that paper. Get JACK REACHER, he writes. Then Emerson tells Alex Rodin (Richard Jenkins) the D.A about who is Jack Reacher. He is so mysterious and hard to find. He was the army but when came back to U.S he gone nowhere. No email, no address, no phone, no credit cards. Nothing. Alex asks how will they find Jack Reacher. "Obviously you don't find Jack Reacher, unless he wants to be found," Emerson answers but a minute later a woman comes in and tells that Jack Reacher is there. He wants to meet James Barr and Emerson and Alex takes him to Barr's room. Now, James Barr lays in coma because he gets physical shots from his prison mates. Alex wants to know if Jack is an eyewitness but he answers diplomatically that that's not why Barr writes his name. He just walks out of the room.
James Barr was in military
Then he bumps into Helen Rodin (Rosamund Pike) Alex's daughter who tells that she is Barr's attorney. And by her statement not to talk to her client Alex and Emerson just slip out let Helen talks to Jack Reacher.
Helen buys Jack a coffee in a cafe where Jack tells him about who James Barr is. He is a former army who trained for 2 years but never got his chance to shoot the real human being. Until he was set free but his ambition to kill people never be pleased. So James killed civilians to finish his thirsty of shooting. Jack found out and made him confess about his action. But he never went to prison because fortunately who he shot were civilians who just raped 28 woman so he was free and Jack slowly shut the case down with one promise: if James Barr makes a mess again, Jack would come and keep it up. So that's why Jack came to meet James Barr at the room, because he wants to keep him up.
Helen asks Jack if he wants to be her lead investigator, at the first he refuses but then he agrees in one condition that Helen must investigate Barr victims. Helen agrees and the next day she meets one of the victim family. She stops by her father that says defending Barr is the worst mistake she ever takes. But Helen just not listens to him.
bar fight
Jack also investigates about the case by visiting many places that shooter had been there and some of spy notices him. When Jack went into a cafe in the night he joins in a fight versus 5 guys just because of a girl named Sandy. Then he arrested by the cops but fortunately he sets free and Helen tells him all the stories she got from victims. There are five and one of them is the owner of construction business.
Fight in Jeb's place
In another place the spy that followed Jacks is admits that he sent 5 guys to destroy Jack but failed. It makes his boss angry and kills him because he made any scene.
The next day, Jack goes to auto part store where Sandy works. There she meets Sandy and she tells about who asked her to provoke Jack that night, he is Jeb. Sandy gives Jack Jeb's address and he borrows her car to Jeb's house but he is followed by a silver car.There he fights with Jebs's friend and he wins.
Jack goes to Helen office and tells her his thinking and about the silver car. He thinks that James Barr is innocent and there's someone that wants to frame him just to shot one person. But Helen debates that there are 5 persons killed. Jack answers that the killer just wanted one person but the 4 persons just to hide the exact target. Helen gets a phone tell who is the owner of the silver car, the car is owned by Lebendauer Enterprises. She gets shocked and scratch her proof and finds a paper that tells about Lebendauer Enterprises vs Oline Archer. Oline is one of the 5 persons killed. Now, they now who is the exact target.
Jack vs silver car
Jack gets back to his motel and finds cops outside searching him because of Sandy's dead body was found near the motel. Here begins the run-and-catch scene between Jack and the cops with their own cars meanwhile Jack is trying to catch the silver car. Fortunately he is safe by hiding himself in the center of people that waiting for the bus.
Jack Reacher hides
He's so adorable holding that gun :3
Cash and Jack
Helen's house is visited by Emerson and her father asking where Jack Reacher is. But Helen don't know where he is. Emerson says that Jack is dangerous because he killed Sandy. Helen's phone rings and she hang up. It's Jack tells that he is okay and stealing Helen's car in order to avoid the cops. He tells Helen that one of Emerson or Alex Rodin is involved in this case. Helen shut the phone.
Emerson strokes Helen
The next day Jack goes to shooting trainee camp where James Barr used to practice shooting. There he meets Cash who was Barr friend and Jack asks if Barr ever came to that place or not. Cash wants to answer in one condition, Jack could reach the center point of shooting target. He is qualified and Cash shows the CCTV records showing Barr came with one guy who appears in the very first scene of the the movie. Jack then calls Helen about the proof he got of a real shooter via phone but they just talks for few minute because Helen is talking with his father about his involvement in this case. But his father denies it so Helen just leaves. In the lift he met Emerson and suddenly he strokes her by electrical shots and brings her away. Now, we know who is involved in this case. It's Emerson, not Alex Rodin.
In the bar, Jack receives a call by guy who kidnaps Helen and tells Jacks to show up or Helen must die. Jack shows up in their area with Cash who brings a gun-for him- and a knife-for Jack.
Helen talks to Zec
The shooting scene
In some room, a guy who known as Zec-means the prisoner (Werner Herzog) shows up to Helen and they talk and we can assume that Zec is crazy because he has spent his life in prison. Zec is the owner of Lebendouer company and he wanted Oline Archer give up her company. Outside we can see shooting  battle scene between Jack and Cash versus Zec's boys. Jack wins, then he meets the real shooter and they fight with empty-hands. Jack, as usual, wins the game and the guy is dead.
Cash shooting
When Jack meet the real shooter
They fight

He enters the room and finds Helen is covering Emerson and his gun is directed to her. Fast as a flash he shoots Emerson. Helen's safe. Jack talks to Zec and snap him to admit his crime but Zec threaten him about who looks more guilty, because now Jack is the cops suspect and he has been killed Emerson. Jack just shoots Zec head till dead.
The two run outside and meet Cash with his car. Jack says goodbye to Helen and drives away with Cash.

After James Barr wakes up, Helen meets him as his attorney but Barr can't remember anything about the accident. Helen mentions Jack Reacher name and Barr looks afraid he cries. Then he admit whatever he'd done he is guilty even he doesn't remember anything but he remembers his promise to Jack Reacher. As the lawyer Helen tells that she will protect Barr but he tells her about who the real Jack Reacher is. "There's this guy. He doesn't care about the law. He doesn't care about proof. He only cares about what's right."

Ater all the film is worth watching. Even if I a little bit upset about the dull plot, not like the usual Tom Cruise movies.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Imaginaerum (2012) Movie Spoiler

Well, at first you will be astonished by the shiny dark cover of the film:

When I was about to see this film, I though the plot would be the same with Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus. But it's so quite different.
The story tells about Tom Whitman (Tuomas Holopainen) former band pianist who lost his mind because of Dementia and his life depends on medical life support. He lost his memories about who he is and the girl he keeps seeing in his dream. Tom dreams about his childhood life. It begins with he stays at the someplace like orphanage and meet Ann who insults him about his mother and father. Tom's mother was dead and his father is a pilot who used to rescue Tornado victim. Tom keeps dreaming about that and in reality his body keeps going down.
The doctor who used to take care of him tells his daughter Gem Whitman (Marianne Farley) that his recovery crew needs to stop his life support. Because of tired of taking care her lost absent minded father she agrees and signs the contract.
Then Gem goes to his father house where Ann (Anette Olzon), his former bandmate sits on the chair. Gem shocked and Ann tells that it was a magic trick. Gem and Ann begun debate about Tom Whitman. Gem declares that her father never remember about her and her mother. But Ann says it's not true.
Tome accepts the snowman
Meanwhile, Tom takes adventures in his imaginary mind when he dreams about the evil-snowman who asks him out to adventure. At the first, Tom refuses but because of words delivered by the snowman he agrees and they fly out the landscape. There's a tornado and Tom fall off. He meets the old Ann but he can't remember who she is. Ann tells that Tom should never accept the snowman over because he is evil, but Tom doesn't believe her. She hints him about the snow-globe that could spin when the right chord chimes. He runs away and meet the constructor who is frustrated fixing the train track. Then he meets Gem who is gone by that constructor.
Anette eats apple when the band plays ^^
Tom keeps walking and he meets the snowman again who gives him two tickets of the circus. Tom refuses and runs to the building where he finds Gem sitting and watching the Ann and Nightwish do a concert. I mean it! Nightwish is really playing in this film! and I think that makes this fantasy film turns to a metal musical parade. Once again Ann tells Tom not to follow the snowman. But the creatures knock the door and everything's fade to black.
Then Tom sees the open door when the other-young-Tom enters it and meets his drunk father that snap him because of he is afraid of his bad dream. Two tickets lies on the table and his father says that it conducts by tomorrow.
Gem saws her father head
Somehow Tom arrives to the circus because he meets with the snowman again. Nightwish plays again, this time the choreography is about the circus atmosphere where there are a lot of clowns dancing. There's adult Gem who is stand besides the old Tom Whitman and she is holding the saw. Then she begins to saw old-Tom's head ignoring young-Tom crying. From his head Gem finds a lot of pieces of paper that never written about her or her mother. She disappoints because of Tom never writes about them.
Tom comes back again to his father. This time he is holding the gun. At the other side of room adult-Tom who is now playing by Tuomas Holopainen cries because of his wife dead. Gem comes to the room and gives him his precious snow-globe. But Tom smashes it to floor as Tom's father pulls the gun and shoots himself.
Tom father shoots himself
Gem runs away. See something in the back? It's Tom!
Tom gets old when tries to catch Gem
Back to real world, Gem wakes up and finds that Ann trying to open his father safe-box. Her phone rings when Ann finally opens it up. There are bundles of paper and Gem reads them. It's just Tom'm poet and she just throws it away into the air---same time at Tom's dream Gem runs away and he tries to catch her but failed until he turns old. Gem and Ann joining into a debate again. Then it's revealed that Gem angry to Tom because of when her mother died in a car accident Tom was not in there but with Ann tries to stop her from committing suicide by pills. Tom just couldn't let Ann do it because he had seen his father killed himself by his own eyes. So she stayed with Ann that night. Tom didn't want to be like his father so when he thought that he would turn like him he stayed away from Gem. But that just made Gem upset.
Tom in his mind writes memories
Sheet of memories ;)
In Tom's fantasy he arrives at his huge safe-box by his French soldier march that he crashed the head the night he follows the snowman. He finds the paper (now turns to tile in the floor) and reads all about it. He finally remembers everything, about Gem and his wife. But the snowman arrives with critical condition as it tries to burn Tom's memories, Tom the struggles to write his own memory on the floor. On the other world Gem herself tries to put all the pieces of paper and it turns to big sheet about everything Tom wants to remember. She waking up Ann and shows her everything. Ann realize that Tom had known about his disease and tries to remember everything before he lost his mind. But there's just one paper left of that sheet and Gem wants to meet him. She drives with Ann going to Tom's hospital.
The snowman is Tom's father!
The snowman burns all his memories and Tom jumps to he train-coster and runs away from the snowman. In the middle of his track the snowman catches him and snaps to him. But with all his braveness he snaps back telling that it should be gone. Then the snowman turns into his father. It's revealed that all this time, his bad-dream about evil snowman is come from his father memory. The snowman burns out and old-Tom wakes up in orphanage. He meets the snowman again but now he refuses him and says "Thank you for the ride" means he lets her father go then he back to sleep with hugging his snow-globe.
Tom wakes up in his hospital room and met Gem. Gem gives her his precious snow-globe but Tom refuses it and calling Gem 'Princess' like he used to call his snow-globe. Tom finally remembers everything and Gem just realizes her father love.
Tome passing away in peace and Gem hug him.
Father-daughter scene, so sad :(
Old memory of Gem and Tom
On the end of movie, Gem goes back to Tom's house and plays the piano. When he press the right chord, the snow-globe spins around just like Tom said. And she found out that the right chord of Tom last melody is G and Em---> GEm ... her own name.
This is the snow-globe!

God, the film just so dramatic that I shaded my tears in particular parts. You should watch it by yourself to feel the love of a father and a critical multi-infarct dementia sufferer.